Ingenuity - Health & Safety

Health and Safety


Ingenuity Consulting Engineers is committed to the health and safety of its employees, and is knowledgeable with the requirements of laws in Albania. We have an established policy and safety program for the protection of our employees from injuries, and all staff (including workers, supervisors and management) is dedicated to the continuing objective of reducing risk of injury. We do our utmost to ensure that our employees receive adequate safety awareness training, and to work in compliance with the laws and safe work practices, common to our industry.


Our Health and Safety policy is supported by a program and includes regular safety inspections of the workplace, training in key safety areas, such as confined space entry and use of fall arrest systems, supply of protective equipment to employees, and other program elements identified from time to time. In addition it will be in our policy to review any possible hazards associated with each project as well as identify and develop respective procedures accordingly. Furthermore our inspectors are knowledgeable in the regulations relating to traffic control and construction staging safety.

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